The Mississippi Reforestation Tax Credit provides a Mississippi income tax credit up to 50% of the cost of approved hardwood and pine reforestation practices. The tax credit promotes reforestation on private, nonindustrial lands. The credit applies only to individuals or groups of private nonindustrial landowners. There is a lifetime limit of $75,000. In addition, a landowner may claim a tax credit of up to $10,000 in any single year with an unlimited carry-forward provision. Landowners must have a reforestation plan prepared by a graduate or registered forester. The cost of planting orchards, Christmas trees, or ornamental trees does not qualify.
Acreage enrolled in a state or federal incentive program is not eligible for the tax credit. However, certain landowners may be eligible for the tax credit in addition to incentive payments. Those landowners whose adjusted gross income is less than the federal Earned Income Credit level may be eligible for this provision. See a tax advisor for further information.
The work must be verified by the forester on Mississippi tax form 80-315 as completed according to the prepared plan and submitted to the state Tax Commission by the landowner in order to qualify. Contact the Mississippi Tax Commission for a copy of tax form 80-315 and for additional tax-related information.
Contact Mississippi Reforestation Income Tax Credit
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of MississippiLandCAN.
Mississippi Reforestation Income Tax Credit is not employed by or affiliated with the Mississippi Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Mississippi Reforestation Income Tax Credit
Richard McInnis
Forest Management Chief
660 North Street
Suite 300
Jackson, MS 39202
Cell Phone: 601-927-8484
Service Area